Private APIs
The classes or functions documented here are all for internal use only! Do not use them in your code! This document is only here to help you understand them better.
- class AL.omx._xcommand.XCommand[source]
An internal dynamic command plugin class called by createAL_Command, it is an undoable MPxCommand omx uses to support undo/redo in Maya.
- Notes:
You don’t need to ever touch this command or manually call it. It is completely for internal use only.
This module contains the method to load/unload the omx mpx plug-in. When the plug-in is loaded, several callbacks are registered and they will be unloaded when the plug-in is unloaded. The callbacks are used to clean up omx modifier stacks on events like scene new, scene open and Maya quit.
- AL.omx.plugin.AL_OMXCommand.initializePlugin(plugin)[source]
Maya MPxPlugin hook to initialise the plug.
- AL.omx.plugin.AL_OMXCommand.installCallbacks()[source]
Install callbacks for events like after new Maya scene, before Maya scene open and Maya quit. This will be called when the omx plug-in is loaded.
- AL.omx.plugin.AL_OMXCommand.maya_useNewAPI()[source]
The presence of this function tells Maya that the plugin produces, and expects to be passed, objects created using the Maya Python API 2.0.