Generate AL_omx Documentation Locally

The AL_omx online documentation is always available.

The documentation source files are also included with each distribution, which means you can generate HTML documentation from them yourself locally.

To generate the document:

1. Install Sphinx, check out here for more information. Install using pip is suggested, but keep in mind that you can not use mayapy for the pip install, you will need the native pip to do that, or pip in a virtual env.

  1. After installation, use this to verify it is installed correctly:

sphinx-build --version
  1. Install the required Sphinx theme and extension:

pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
pip install sphinx-copybutton

4. Add the root directory of AL_omx in your PYTHONPATH so that the document generator can import AL.omx for API documentation auto-generation. You can simply append the root directory of AL_omx to the environment variable PYTHONPATH:

For Linux and MacOSX:

export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:path/to/omxRootDir"

For Windows:

set PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH%;path/to/omxRootDir
  1. Run make in the doc folder:

cd path/to/omxRootDir/docs

# for Linux and MacOSX:
make html

# for Windows:
make.bat html

6. The generated documentation will be in path/to/omxRootDir/docs/build folder. Load the index.html in your web browser to use the documentation.