AL_USDMaya  0.29.4
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AL::usdmaya::fileio::ExporterParams Struct Reference

parameters for the exporter. These parameters are constructed by any command or file translator that wishes to export data from maya, which are then passed to the AL::usdmaya::fileio::Export class to perform the actual export work. More...

#include <ExportParams.h>

Public Attributes

MSelectionList m_nodes
 the selected node to be exported
MString m_fileName
 the filename of the file we will be exporting
double m_minFrame =0.0
 the start frame for the animation export
double m_maxFrame =1.0
 the end frame of the animation export
uint32_t m_subSamples = 1
 the number of subsample steps to export
bool m_selected = false
 are we exporting selected objects (true) or all objects (false)
bool m_meshes = true
 if true, export meshes
bool m_meshPoints = true
 if true mesh vertices will be exported
bool m_meshConnects = true
 if true face connects and counts will be exported
bool m_meshNormals = true
 if true normal vectors will be exported
bool m_meshVertexCreases = true
 if true vertex creases will be exported
bool m_meshEdgeCreases = true
 if true edge creases will be exported
bool m_meshUvs = true
 if true UV coordinates will be exported
bool m_meshColours = true
 if true colour sets will be exported
bool m_meshHoles = true
 if true polygonal holes will be exported
bool m_meshUV = false
 if true, export a scene hierarchy with all empty prims marked "over", only meshes UV will be filled in.
bool m_nurbsCurves = true
 if true export nurbs curves
bool m_dynamicAttributes = true
 if true export any dynamic attributes found on the nodes we are exporting
bool m_duplicateInstances = true
 if true, instances will be exported as duplicates. As of 23/01/17, nothing will be exported if set to false.
bool m_mergeTransforms = true
 if true, shapes will be merged into their parent transforms in the exported data. If false, the transform and shape will be exported seperately
bool m_animation = false
 if true, animation will be exported.
bool m_useTimelineRange = false
 if true, then the export uses Maya's timeline range.
bool m_filterSample = false
 if true, duplicate sample of attribute will be filtered out
int m_compactionLevel = 3
 by default apply the strongest level of data compaction
AnimationTranslatorm_animTranslator = 0
 the animation translator to help exporting the animation data
bool m_extensiveAnimationCheck = true
 if true, extensive animation check will be performed on transform nodes.
int m_exportAtWhichTime = 0
 controls where the data will be written to: 0 = default time, 1 = earliest time, 2 = current time
UsdTimeCode m_timeCode = UsdTimeCode::Default()

Detailed Description

parameters for the exporter. These parameters are constructed by any command or file translator that wishes to export data from maya, which are then passed to the AL::usdmaya::fileio::Export class to perform the actual export work.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: