AL_USDMaya  0.29.4
USD to Maya Bridge
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::AnimationCheckTransformAttributesA utility class to provide static transform attributes for testing if a transform node is animated or not
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::AnimationTranslatorA utility class to help with exporting animated plugs from maya
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::BaseCallbackCommandThe base class for all commands that need to create/delete callbacks in some way. Fill m_callbacksToDelete with the CallbackIds you want to delete, and fill the m_callbacksToInsert array with the callbacks returned from AL::AL::event::EventScheduler::buildCallback. Within the undo/redo implementation of a mel command, simply call redoItImplementation. This method will destroy the callbacks requested, and insert the created callbacks. Once called, the values of the m_callbacksToDelete and m_callbacksToInsert will be swapped, therefore calling redoItImplementation again will undo the previous action
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::CallbackA command that allows you to create / delete callbacks assigned to a specific event within AL_usdmaya
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::DeleteCallbacksA command that will delete all callback ids specified as an argument
 Ccompare_MDagPathOperator to compare MDagPaths with < operator
 Ccompare_MPlugOperator to compare MPlugs with < operator
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DgNodeTranslatorUtility class that transfers DgNodes between Maya and USD
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::DirtyOnlyIterator< WrappedIterator >Iterator wrapper for LayerToIdsMap that hides non-dirty items Implemented as a template to define const / non-const iterator at same time
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::proxy::DrivenTransformsThis class maintains a set of prim paths to transform prims, and a cache of their matrix and visibility states. It also maintains a set of indices that describe the dirty states of those attributes that have been dirtied. If the number of transforms has changed, initTransforms should be called to initialise the internal memory storage. setDrivenPrimPaths should be called to specify the prim paths. Whenever you need to specify a change to the matrix or visibility values, call either dirtyVisibility or dirtyMatrix, and specify the index of the prim to modify. Within the compute method of the node, constructDrivenPrimsArray should be called to construct the array of prims to update, which can then be passed to the update method to set the dirty values on the prim attributes
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ExportA class that wraps up the entire export process
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ExporterParamsParameters for the exporter. These parameters are constructed by any command or file translator that wishes to export data from maya, which are then passed to the AL::usdmaya::fileio::Export class to perform the actual export work
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorFactoryBaseFactory interface, used to create an instance of a particular translator type
 CAL::usdmaya::GlobalThis class wraps all of the global state/mechanisms needed to integrate USD and Maya. This mainly handles things such as onFileNew, preFileSave, etc
 Cstd::hash< AL::usdmaya::ProfilerSectionPath >
 Cstd::hash< AL::usdmaya::ProfilerSectionTag >
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::HierarchyIterationLogicA class that provides the logic behind a hierarchy traversal through a UsdStage
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::FindLockedPrimsLogicImplements the logic required when searching for locked prims within a UsdStage
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::FindUnselectablePrimsLogicImplements the logic that constructs a list of objects that need to be added or removed from the selectable list of prims within a UsdStage
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ImportA class that performs the import of data from USD into Maya
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ImporterParamsParameters for the importer
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::LayerDatabaseStores layers, in a way that they may be looked up by the layer ref ptr, or by identifier Also, unlike boost::multi_index, we can have multiple identifiers per layer You can add non-dirty layers to the database, but the query operations will "hide" them - ie, iteration will skip by them, and findLayer will return an invalid ptr if it's not dirty We allow adding non-dirty items because if we want to guarantee we always have all the latest items, we need to deal with the situation where the current edit target starts out not dirty... and it's easiest to just add it then filter it if it's not dirty
 CAL::usdmaya::MetadataThe MetaData tokens we attach to various prims
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::CallbackA command that allows you to create / delete callbacks assigned to a specific event within AL_usdmaya
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::CallbackQueryA command that lists the events available on either a particular node, or the global set of events
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::CreateUsdPrimA command that allows you to register and unregister new Event types from script
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::DeleteCallbacksA command that will delete all callback ids specified as an argument
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::EventA command that allows you to register and unregister new Event types from script
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::EventLookupA command that allows you to query information about an event
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::EventQueryA command that allows you to query information about a specific event
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::LayerCommandBaseHelper class
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ListCallbacksA command that lists the events available on either a particular node, or the global set of events
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ListEventsA command that lists the events available on either a particular node, or the global set of events
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ManageRendererGet / Set renderer plugin settings
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ProxyShapeCommandBaseBase class for all proxy shape commands. Sets up some common command syntax, along with a few handy utility methods
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ProxyShapeImportImports a proxy shape into maya
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::TriggerEventA command that will trigger all callbacks on an event
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::UsdDebugCommandA command that allows you to query and modify the current status of the TfDebug symbols
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ExportCommandA thin MEL command layer that just wraps the AL::usdmaya::fileio::Export process
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ImportCommandA command to import a USD file into Maya (partially supporting Animal Logic specific things)
 CAL::usdmaya::DrivenTransformsDataThe driven transform data passed through the DG
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyDrawOverrideThis class provides the draw override for the USD proxy shape node
 CAL::usdmaya::StageDataThis code is effectively copied from the pixar plugin. It's just used to pass the usd stage through the DG
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::LayerThe layer node stores a reference to an SdfLayer. Obsolete. LayerManager now used instead
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::LayerManagerThe layer manager node handles serialization and deserialization of all layers used by all ProxyShapes It may temporarily contain non-dirty layers, but those will be filtered out by query operations
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::RendererManagerThe layer manager node handles serialization and deserialization of all layers used by all ProxyShapes
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeA custom proxy shape node that attaches itself to a USD file, and then renders it. The stage is held internally as a member variable, and it will be composed based on a change to the "filePath" attribute
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeUIThe UI component of the proxy shape node
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::TransformThe AL::usdmaya::nodes::Transform node is a custom transform node that allows you to manipulate a USD
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::TransformationMatrixThis class provides a transformation matrix that allows you to apply tweaks over some read only transformation information extracted from a UsdPrim. Currently each tweak is a simple offset over the values contained within the UsdPrim
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeA custom proxy shape node that attaches itself to a USD file, and then renders it. The stage is held internally as a member variable, and it will be composed based on a change to the "filePath" attribute
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::NodeFactoryA simple node factory to convert nodes between Maya and USD
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::LayerThe layer node stores a reference to an SdfLayer. Obsolete. LayerManager now used instead
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::LayerManagerThe layer manager node handles serialization and deserialization of all layers used by all ProxyShapes It may temporarily contain non-dirty layers, but those will be filtered out by query operations
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeA custom proxy shape node that attaches itself to a USD file, and then renders it. The stage is held internally as a member variable, and it will be composed based on a change to the "filePath" attribute
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::RendererManagerThe layer manager node handles serialization and deserialization of all layers used by all ProxyShapes
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::TransformThe AL::usdmaya::nodes::Transform node is a custom transform node that allows you to manipulate a USD
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::proxy::PrimFilterA class to filter the prims during a variant switch
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::proxy::PrimFilterInterfaceThe prim filter needs to know about some state provided in the proxy shape node. In order to maintain a separation between the filter and the proxy (so that it's easy to test!), this class acts as a bridge between the two
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeA custom proxy shape node that attaches itself to a USD file, and then renders it. The stage is held internally as a member variable, and it will be composed based on a change to the "filePath" attribute
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorContext::PrimLookupAn internal structure used to store a mapping between an SdfPath, the type of prim found at that location, the maya transform that may have been created (assuming the translator plugin specifies that it needs a parent transform), and any nodes that the translator plugin may have created
 CAL::usdmaya::ProfilerThis class implements a very simple incode profiler. This profiler is NOT thread safe. It is mainly used to get some basic stats on the where the bottlenecks are during a file import/export operation. A simple example of usage:
 CAL::usdmaya::ProfilerSectionPathThis class represents a path made up of AL::usdmaya::ProfilerSectionTag's. It is used so that we can distinguish between identical code sections, accessed from alternative paths, e.g
 CAL::usdmaya::ProfilerSectionTagThis class provides a static hash that should be unique for a line within a specific function
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ProxyShapePostLoadProcessWhen importing a new usd stage into an AL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShape, there are a selection of post import processes that need to take place in order to import any custom usd plugins found
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ScaledPairAttribute that has a scaling on it (due to unit differences)
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::SchemaPrimsUtilsUtility class to determine whether a usd transform chain should be created

Logic that stores a sorted list of paths which represent Selectable points in the USD hierarchy

 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::SelectionListUsed as a way to construct a simple selection list that allows for selection highlighting without creating/destroying transforms
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::SelectionUndoHelperA helper class to store the state that is modified during a change to the current selection within a proxy shape. The state it maintains includes:
 CAL::usdmaya::StageCacheMaintains a cache of all active stages within the current process. It's really just a wrapper around USDUtilsStageCache with some extra callback handling
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorAbstractThe base class interface of all translator plugins. The absolute minimum a translator plugin must implement are the following 3 methods:
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorContextThis class provides a context to store mappings between UsdPrims, and the Maya nodes that represent them
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorAbstractThe base class interface of all translator plugins. The absolute minimum a translator plugin must implement are the following 3 methods:
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeA custom proxy shape node that attaches itself to a USD file, and then renders it. The stage is held internally as a member variable, and it will be composed based on a change to the "filePath" attribute
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::TransformIteratorAn iterator to walk over the transforms within a USD file
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorManufactureForms a registry of all plug-in translator types registered
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorParametersTransient aggregate of values that aims to direct the Translation of Prims. Typically an object of this struct is created and used for a set group of prim path translations then it is destroyed
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorContext::value_compareComparison utility (for sorting array of pointers to node references based on their path)