AL_USDMaya  0.16.6
USD to Maya Bridge
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AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TransformTranslator Class Reference

A utility class to transfer transform nodes between Maya and USD. More...

#include <TransformTranslator.h>

Inheritance diagram for AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TransformTranslator:
AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DagNodeTranslator AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DgNodeTranslator AL::maya::DgNodeHelper

Public Member Functions

MObject createNode (const UsdPrim &from, MObject parent, const char *nodeType, const ImporterParams &params) override
 Creates a new maya node of the given type and set attributes based on input prim. More...
MStatus copyAttributes (const UsdPrim &from, MObject to, const ImporterParams &params)
 helper method to copy attributes from the UsdPrim to the Maya node More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DagNodeTranslator
MStatus copyAttributes (const UsdPrim &from, MObject to, const ImporterParams &params)
 helper method to copy attributes from the UsdPrim to the Maya node More...
MStatus applyDefaultMaterialOnShape (MObject shape)
 assign the default material to the shape specified More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DgNodeTranslator
MStatus copyAttributes (const UsdPrim &from, MObject to, const ImporterParams &params)
 helper method to copy attributes from the UsdPrim to the Maya node More...
virtual bool attributeHandled (const UsdAttribute &usdAttr)
 A temporary solution. Given a custom attribute, if a translator handles it somehow (i.e. lazy approach to not creating a schema), then overload this method and return true on the attribute you are handling. This will prevent the attribute from being imported/exported as a dynamic attribute. More...
MStatus setAngleAnim (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdGeomXformOp op)
 creates animation curves to animate the specified angle attribute More...
MStatus setFloatAttrAnim (MObject node, MObject attr, UsdAttribute usdAttr, double conversionFactor=1.0)
 creates animation curves in maya for the specified attribute More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from AL::maya::DgNodeHelper
 DgNodeHelper ()
virtual ~DgNodeHelper ()

Static Public Member Functions

static MStatus registerType ()
 static type registration More...
static MStatus copyAttributes (const MObject &from, UsdPrim &to, const ExporterParams &params)
 Copies data from the maya node onto the usd primitive. More...
static bool getAnimationVariables (TransformOperation operation, MObject &attribute, double &conversionFactor)
 retrieve the corresponding maya attribute for the transform operation. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DagNodeTranslator
static MStatus registerType ()
 static type registration More...
static MStatus copyAttributes (const MObject &from, UsdPrim &to, const ExporterParams &params)
 Copies data from the maya node onto the usd primitive. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DgNodeTranslator
static MStatus registerType ()
 static type registration More...
static MStatus copyAttributes (const MObject &from, UsdPrim &to, const ExporterParams &params)
 Copies data from the maya node onto the usd primitive. More...
static MStatus getUsdBoolArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, VtArray< bool > &values)
static MStatus getUsdInt8Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, VtArray< int8_t > &values)
static MStatus getUsdInt16Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, VtArray< int16_t > &values)
static MStatus getUsdInt32Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, VtArray< int32_t > &values)
static MStatus getUsdInt64Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, VtArray< int64_t > &values)
static MStatus getUsdHalfArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, VtArray< half > &values)
static MStatus getUsdFloatArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, VtArray< float > &values)
static MStatus getUsdDoubleArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, VtArray< double > &values)
static MStatus setUsdBoolArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const VtArray< bool > &values)
static MStatus setUsdInt8Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const VtArray< int8_t > &values)
static MStatus setUsdInt16Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const VtArray< int16_t > &values)
static MStatus setUsdInt32Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const VtArray< int32_t > &values)
static MStatus setUsdInt64Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const VtArray< int64_t > &values)
static MStatus setUsdHalfArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const VtArray< half > &values)
static MStatus setUsdFloatArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const VtArray< float > &values)
static MStatus setUsdDoubleArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const VtArray< double > &values)
static MStatus copyBool (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdAttribute &value)
 copy a boolean value from USD and apply to Maya attribute More...
static MStatus copyFloat (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdAttribute &value)
 copy a boolean value from USD and apply to Maya attribute More...
static MStatus copyDouble (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdAttribute &value)
 copy a boolean value from USD and apply to Maya attribute More...
static MStatus copyInt (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdAttribute &value)
 copy a boolean value from USD and apply to Maya attribute More...
static MStatus copyVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdAttribute &value)
 copy a boolean value from USD and apply to Maya attribute More...
static MStatus setSingleMayaValue (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdAttribute &usdAttr, const UsdDataType type)
 copy a non array value from a usd attribute into the maya attribute specified More...
static MStatus setArrayMayaValue (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdAttribute &usdAttr, const UsdDataType type)
 copy an array value from a usd attribute into the maya attribute specified More...
static MStatus setMayaValue (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdAttribute &usdAttr)
 copy the value from the usdAttribute onto the maya attribute value More...
static MStatus addDynamicAttribute (MObject node, const UsdAttribute &usdAttr)
 creates a new dynamic attribute on the Maya node specified which will be initialized from the usdAttr. More...
static MStatus copyDynamicAttributes (MObject node, UsdPrim &prim)
 copy all custom attributes from the usd primitive onto the maya node. More...
static void copyAttributeValue (const MPlug &attr, UsdAttribute &usdAttr, const UsdTimeCode &timeCode)
 copy the attribute value from the plug specified, at the given time, and store the data on the usdAttr. More...
static void copySimpleValue (const MPlug &plug, UsdAttribute &usdAttr, const UsdTimeCode &timeCode)
 copy the attribute value from the plug specified, at the given time, and store the data on the usdAttr. More...
static void copyAttributeValue (const MPlug &attr, UsdAttribute &usdAttr, float scale, const UsdTimeCode &timeCode)
 copy the attribute value from the plug specified, at the given time, and store the data on the usdAttr. More...
static void copySimpleValue (const MPlug &plug, UsdAttribute &usdAttr, float scale, const UsdTimeCode &timeCode)
 copy the attribute value from the plug specified, at the given time, and store the data on the usdAttr. More...
template<typename T >
static MStatus setVec3Anim (MObject node, MObject attr, const UsdGeomXformOp op, double conversionFactor=1.0)
 creates animation curves in maya for the specified attribute More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from AL::maya::DgNodeHelper
static MStatus getBoolArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, std::vector< bool > &values)
 retrieve an array of boolean values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getBoolArray (MObject node, MObject attr, bool *values, const size_t count)
 retrieve an array of boolean values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getInt8Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, std::vector< int8_t > &values)
 retrieve an array of 8 bit char values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getInt8Array (MObject node, MObject attr, int8_t *values, size_t count)
 retrieve an array of 8 bit integer values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getInt16Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, std::vector< int16_t > &values)
 retrieve an array of 16bit integer values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getInt16Array (MObject node, MObject attr, int16_t *values, size_t count)
 retrieve an array of 16 bit integer values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getInt32Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, std::vector< int32_t > &values)
 retrieve an array of 32bit integer values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getInt32Array (MObject node, MObject attr, int32_t *values, size_t count)
 retrieve an array of 32 bit integer values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getInt64Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, std::vector< int64_t > &values)
 retrieve an array of 64bit integer values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getInt64Array (MObject node, MObject attr, int64_t *values, size_t count)
 retrieve an array of 64 bit integer values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getHalfArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, std::vector< half > &values)
 retrieve an array of float values from an attribute in Maya (converted to halfs) More...
static MStatus getHalfArray (MObject node, MObject attr, half *values, size_t count)
 retrieve an array of half values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getFloatArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, std::vector< float > &values)
 retrieve an array of float values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getFloatArray (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count)
 retrieve an array of float values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getDoubleArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, std::vector< double > &values)
 retrieve an array of double values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getDoubleArray (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values, size_t count)
 retrieve an array of double values from an attribute in Maya More...
static MStatus getVec2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, half *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 2D half float array More...
static MStatus getVec2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 2D float array More...
static MStatus getVec2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 2D double array More...
static MStatus getVec2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, int32_t *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 2D integer array More...
static MStatus getVec3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, half *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 3D half float array More...
static MStatus getVec3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 3D float array More...
static MStatus getVec3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 3D double array More...
static MStatus getVec3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, int32_t *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 3D integer array More...
static MStatus getVec4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, half *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 4D half float array More...
static MStatus getVec4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 4D float array More...
static MStatus getVec4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 4D double array More...
static MStatus getVec4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, int32_t *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 4D integer array More...
static MStatus getQuatArray (MObject node, MObject attr, half *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 4D half float array More...
static MStatus getQuatArray (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 4D float array More...
static MStatus getQuatArray (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 4D double array More...
static MStatus getMatrix2x2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 2x2 floating point matrix array More...
static MStatus getMatrix2x2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 2x2 double matrix array More...
static MStatus getMatrix3x3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 3x3 floating point matrix array More...
static MStatus getMatrix3x3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 3x3 double matrix array More...
static MStatus getMatrix4x4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 4x4 floating point matrix array More...
static MStatus getMatrix4x4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as a 4x4 double matrix array More...
static MStatus getTimeArray (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count, MTime::Unit unit)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as an array of time values scale to the specified unit. More...
static MStatus getAngleArray (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count, MAngle::Unit unit)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as an array of angle values scale to the specified unit. More...
static MStatus getDistanceArray (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values, size_t count, MDistance::Unit unit)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as an array of distance values scale to the specified unit. More...
static MStatus getStringArray (MObject node, MObject attr, std::string *values, size_t count)
 given MObjects for an attribute on a node, extract the data as an array of string values More...
static MStatus getHalf (MObject node, MObject attr, half &value)
 extracts a single half float value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getFloat (MObject node, MObject attr, float &value)
 extracts a single float value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getDouble (MObject node, MObject attr, double &value)
 extracts a single double value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getTime (MObject node, MObject attr, MTime &value)
 extracts a single time value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getDistance (MObject node, MObject attr, MDistance &value)
 extracts a single distance value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getAngle (MObject node, MObject attr, MAngle &value)
 extracts a single angle value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getBool (MObject node, MObject attr, bool &value)
 extracts a single boolean value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getInt8 (MObject node, MObject attr, int8_t &value)
 extracts a single 8bit integer value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getInt16 (MObject node, MObject attr, int16_t &value)
 extracts a single 16 bit integer value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getInt32 (MObject node, MObject attr, int32_t &value)
 extracts a single 32bit integer value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getInt64 (MObject node, MObject attr, int64_t &value)
 extracts a single 64bit integer value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getMatrix2x2 (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values)
 extracts a 2x2 matrix value from the specified node/attribute (as a float) More...
static MStatus getMatrix3x3 (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values)
 extracts a 3x3 matrix value from the specified node/attribute (as a float) More...
static MStatus getMatrix4x4 (MObject node, MObject attr, float *values)
 extracts a 4x4 matrix value from the specified node/attribute (as a float) More...
static MStatus getMatrix4x4 (MObject node, MObject attr, MFloatMatrix &values)
 extracts a 4x4 matrix value from the specified node/attribute (as a float) More...
static MStatus getMatrix2x2 (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values)
 extracts a 2x2 matrix value from the specified node/attribute (as a double) More...
static MStatus getMatrix3x3 (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values)
 extracts a 3x3 matrix value from the specified node/attribute (as a double) More...
static MStatus getMatrix4x4 (MObject node, MObject attr, double *values)
 extracts a 4x4 matrix value from the specified node/attribute (as a double) More...
static MStatus getMatrix4x4 (MObject node, MObject attr, MMatrix &values)
 extracts a 4x4 matrix value from the specified node/attribute (as a double) More...
static MStatus getString (MObject node, MObject attr, std::string &str)
 extracts a string value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec2 (MObject node, MObject attr, int32_t *xy)
 extracts a 2D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec2 (MObject node, MObject attr, float *xy)
 extracts a 2D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec2 (MObject node, MObject attr, double *xy)
 extracts a 2D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec2 (MObject node, MObject attr, half *xy)
 extracts a 2D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, int32_t *xyz)
 extracts a 3D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, float *xyz)
 extracts a 3D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, double *xyz)
 extracts a 3D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, half *xyz)
 extracts a 3D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec4 (MObject node, MObject attr, int32_t *xyzw)
 extracts a 4D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec4 (MObject node, MObject attr, float *xyzw)
 extracts a 4D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec4 (MObject node, MObject attr, double *xyzw)
 extracts a 4D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getVec4 (MObject node, MObject attr, half *xyzw)
 extracts a 4D vector value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getQuat (MObject node, MObject attr, float *xyzw)
 extracts a 4D quat value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getQuat (MObject node, MObject attr, double *xyzw)
 extracts a 4D quat value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus getQuat (MObject node, MObject attr, half *xyzw)
 extracts a 4D quat value from the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setBoolArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const std::vector< bool > &values)
 sets all values on a boolean array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setBoolArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const bool *const values, size_t count)
 sets all values on a boolean array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setInt8Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const std::vector< int8_t > &values)
 sets all values on a 8bit integer array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setInt8Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const int8_t *values, size_t count)
 sets all values on a 8bit integer array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setInt16Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const std::vector< int16_t > &values)
 sets all values on a 16bit integer array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setInt16Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const int16_t *values, size_t count)
 sets all values on a 16bit integer array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setInt32Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const std::vector< int32_t > &values)
 sets all values on a 32bit integer array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setInt32Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const int32_t *values, size_t count)
 sets all values on a 32bit integer array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setInt64Array (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const std::vector< int64_t > &values)
 sets all values on a 64bit integer array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setInt64Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const int64_t *values, size_t count)
 sets all values on a 64bit integer array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setHalfArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const std::vector< half > &values)
 sets all values on a float array attribute on the specified node (but convert from half float data) More...
static MStatus setHalfArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const half *values, size_t count)
 sets all values on a float array attribute on the specified node (but convert from half float data) More...
static MStatus setFloatArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const std::vector< float > &values)
 sets all values on a float array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setFloatArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count)
 sets all values on a float array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setDoubleArray (const MObject &node, const MObject &attr, const std::vector< double > &values)
 sets all values on a double array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setDoubleArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values, size_t count)
 sets all values on a double array attribute on the specified node More...
static MStatus setVec2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const half *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const int32_t *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const half *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const int32_t *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const half *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setVec4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const int32_t *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setQuatArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const half *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setQuatArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setQuatArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setMatrix2x2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setMatrix2x2Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setMatrix3x3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setMatrix3x3Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setMatrix4x4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setMatrix4x4Array (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setStringArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const std::string *values, size_t count)
static MStatus setTimeArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count, MTime::Unit unit)
static MStatus setAngleArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count, MAngle::Unit unit)
static MStatus setDistanceArray (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values, size_t count, MDistance::Unit unit)
static MStatus setHalf (MObject node, MObject attr, const half value)
 sets a half float value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setFloat (MObject node, MObject attr, float value)
 sets a float value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setDouble (MObject node, MObject attr, double value)
 sets a double value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setTime (MObject node, MObject attr, MTime value)
 sets a time value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setDistance (MObject node, MObject attr, MDistance value)
 sets a distance value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setAngle (MObject node, MObject attr, MAngle value)
 sets an angle value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setBool (MObject node, MObject attr, bool value)
 sets a boolean value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setInt8 (MObject node, MObject attr, int8_t value)
 sets a 8bit integer value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setInt16 (MObject node, MObject attr, int16_t value)
 sets a 16bit integer value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setInt32 (MObject node, MObject attr, int32_t value)
 sets a 32bit integer value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setInt64 (MObject node, MObject attr, int64_t value)
 sets a 64bit integer value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, float x, float y, float z)
 sets a 3D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, double x, double y, double z)
 sets a 3D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, MAngle x, MAngle y, MAngle z)
 sets a 3D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setMatrix2x2 (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values)
 sets a 2x2 matrix value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setMatrix3x3 (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values)
 sets a 3x3 matrix value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setMatrix4x4 (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *values)
 sets a 4x4 matrix value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setMatrix4x4 (MObject node, MObject attr, const MFloatMatrix &value)
 sets a 4x4 matrix value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setMatrix2x2 (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values)
 sets a 2x2 matrix value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setMatrix3x3 (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values)
 sets a 3x3 matrix value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setMatrix4x4 (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *values)
 sets a 4x4 matrix value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setMatrix4x4 (MObject node, MObject attr, const MMatrix &value)
 sets a 4x4 matrix value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setString (MObject node, MObject attr, const char *str)
 sets a string value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setString (MObject node, MObject attr, const std::string &str)
 sets a string value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec2 (MObject node, MObject attr, const int32_t *xy)
 sets a 2D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec2 (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *xy)
 sets a 2D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec2 (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *xy)
 sets a 2D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec2 (MObject node, MObject attr, const half *xy)
 sets a 2D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, const int32_t *xyz)
 sets a 3D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *xyz)
 sets a 3D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *xyz)
 sets a 3D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec3 (MObject node, MObject attr, const half *xyz)
 sets a 3D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec4 (MObject node, MObject attr, const int32_t *xyzw)
 sets a 4D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec4 (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *xyzw)
 sets a 4D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec4 (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *xyzw)
 sets a 4D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setVec4 (MObject node, MObject attr, const half *xyzw)
 sets a 4D vector value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setQuat (MObject node, MObject attr, const float *xyzw)
 sets a 4D quat value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setQuat (MObject node, MObject attr, const double *xyzw)
 sets a 4D quat value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus setQuat (MObject node, MObject attr, const half *xyzw)
 sets a 4D quat value on the specified node/attribute More...
static MStatus addStringValue (MObject node, const char *attrName, const char *stringValue)
 adds a new strings attribute of the specified name to the specified node, and sets its value. This is primarily used as a utility to tag various maya nodes with some USD specific information, e.g. the by adding a prim path, asset info, etc. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DagNodeTranslator
static MObject m_initialShadingGroup
static MObject m_visible
 the visibility attribute common to all dag nodes

Detailed Description

A utility class to transfer transform nodes between Maya and USD.

Member Function Documentation

MStatus AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TransformTranslator::copyAttributes ( const UsdPrim &  from,
MObject  to,
const ImporterParams params 

helper method to copy attributes from the UsdPrim to the Maya node

fromthe UsdPrim to copy the data from
tothe maya node to copy the data to
paramsthe importer params to determine what to import
MS::kSuccess if ok
static MStatus AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TransformTranslator::copyAttributes ( const MObject &  from,
UsdPrim &  to,
const ExporterParams params 

Copies data from the maya node onto the usd primitive.

fromthe maya node to copy the data from
tothe USD prim to copy the attributes to
paramsthe exporter params to determine what should be exported
MS::kSuccess if ok
MObject AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TransformTranslator::createNode ( const UsdPrim &  from,
MObject  parent,
const char *  nodeType,
const ImporterParams params 

Creates a new maya node of the given type and set attributes based on input prim.

fromthe UsdPrim to copy the data from
parentthe parent Dag node to parent the newly created object under
nodeTypethe maya node type to create
paramsthe importer params that determines what will be imported
the newly created node

Reimplemented from AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DagNodeTranslator.

static bool AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TransformTranslator::getAnimationVariables ( TransformOperation  operation,
MObject &  attribute,
double &  conversionFactor 

retrieve the corresponding maya attribute for the transform operation.

operationthe transform operation we want the maya attribute handle for
attributethe returned attribute handle
conversionFactora scaling that should be applied to the maya attributes to put them into the correct units for USD
true if the attribute is known to be animated, and the attribute/conversionFactor contain valid results
static MStatus AL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TransformTranslator::registerType ( )

static type registration

MS::kSuccess if ok

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