AL_USDMaya  0.16.6
USD to Maya Bridge
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Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::AnimationTranslatorA utility class to help with exporting animated plugs from maya
 CAL::maya::CommandGuiHelperThis class isn't really a wrapper around command options as such, it's mainly just a helper to auto generate some GUI code to create a menu item + option box dialog
 CAL::maya::DgNodeHelperUtility class that provides support for setting/getting attributes
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DgNodeTranslatorUtility class that transfers DgNodes between Maya and USD
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::DagNodeTranslatorA class to transfer dag node data between Usd <–> Maya
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::CameraTranslatorA class to transfer camera data between Usd <–> Maya
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::MeshTranslatorA class to transfer mesh data between Usd <–> Maya
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::NurbsCurveTranslatorA utility class to transfer nurbs curves between maya and usd
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TransformTranslatorA utility class to transfer transform nodes between Maya and USD
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ExportA class that wraps up the entire export process
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ExporterParamsParameters for the exporter. These parameters are constructed by any command or file translator that wishes to export data from maya, which are then passed to the AL::usdmaya::fileio::Export class to perform the actual export work
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorFactoryBaseFactory interface, used to create an instance of a particular translator type
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorFactory< T >Factory instance for a given translator type
 CAL::maya::FileTranslatorOptionsUtility class that constructs the file translator export GUI from the export options you want to support
 CAL::usdmaya::GlobalThis class wraps all of the global state/mechanisms needed to integrate USD and Maya. This mainly handles things such as onFileNew, preFileSave, etc. Hopefully the contents of the cpp file will be as minimal as possible
 CAL::usdmaya::guidA type to store a UUID from a maya node
 CAL::usdmaya::guid_compareLess than comparison utility for sorting via 128bit guid
 Cstd::hash< AL::maya::ProfilerSectionPath >
 Cstd::hash< AL::maya::ProfilerSectionTag >
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ImportA class that performs the import of data from USD into Maya
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ImporterParamsParameters for the importer
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::LayerVisitorA class that follows the visitor pattern to walk through all layer nodes associated with the specified proxy shape node
 CAL::maya::MenuBuilderYou shouldn't need to care about this class (sort of). Probably the only thing you'll want to do is execute
 CAL::maya::MenuBuilder::MenuItemA structure that represents a menu item
 CAL::usdmaya::MObjectMapA class that acts as a lookup table for dependency nodes. It works by storing a sorted map based on the uuid of each node
 CAL::maya::CommandGuiListGenA method used by the generated command GUI code to retrieve a list of items from C++
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::LayerCommandBaseHelper class
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::LayerCreateSubLayerGiven some selected proxy shape node, create a new sub layer for the current edit target
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::LayerCurrentEditTargetGet / Set the current edit target for the stage
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::LayerExportExport a layer to the given filename
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::LayerGetLayersGiven some selected proxy shape node, return the layer names
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::LayerSaveSave the specified layer
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::LayerSetMutedGet / Set whether the layer is currently muted
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ProxyShapeCommandBaseBase class for all proxy shape commands. Sets up some common command syntax, along with a few handy utility methods
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ChangeVariantA command to force a variant switch
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ProxyShapeImportAllTransformsProxyShapeImportAllTransforms From a proxy shape, this will import all usdPrims in the stage as AL_usdmaya_Transform nodes
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ProxyShapeImportPrimPathAsMayaProxyShapeImportPrimPathAsMaya A command that will import a portion of a proxyNode as Maya geometry/transforms
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ProxyShapeRemoveAllTransformsProxyShapeRemoveAllTransforms A command that will remove all AL::usdmaya::nodes::Transform nodes from a given AL_usd_ProxyShape
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ProxyShapeImportImports a proxy shape into maya
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ExportCommandA thin MEL command layer that just wraps the AL::usdmaya::fileio::Export process
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::ImportCommandA command to import a USD file into Maya (supporting A20 specific requirements)
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyDrawOverrideThis class provides the draw override for the USD proxy shape node
 CAL::maya::FileTranslatorBase< T >A utility class that provides a 'unique' base class to derive new translator from
 CAL::usdmaya::StageDataThis code is effectively copied from the pixar plugin. It's just used to pass the usd stage through the DG
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::LayerThe layer node stores a reference to an SdfLayer
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeA custom proxy shape node that attaches itself to a USD file, and then renders it. The stage is held internally as a member variable, and it will be composed based on a change to the "filePath" attribute
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeUIThe UI component of the proxy shape node
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::TransformThe AL::usdmaya::nodes::Transform node is a custom transform node that allows you to manipulate a USD
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::TransformationMatrixThis class provides a transformation matrix that allows you to apply tweaks over some read only transformation information extracted from a UsdPrim. Currently each tweak is a simple offset over the values contained within the UsdPrim
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::NodeFactoryA simple node factory to convert nodes between Maya and USD
 CAL::maya::NodeHelperThis is a little helper object designed to reduce the amount of boilerplate GUI code you need to jump through to add your own nodes that match a USD schema type. It has been designed to attempt to match the attribute types of USD as closely as possible, so adds support for 2x2 / 3x3 matrix types, half float support, etc
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::LayerThe layer node stores a reference to an SdfLayer
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeA custom proxy shape node that attaches itself to a USD file, and then renders it. The stage is held internally as a member variable, and it will be composed based on a change to the "filePath" attribute
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::TransformThe AL::usdmaya::nodes::Transform node is a custom transform node that allows you to manipulate a USD
 CAL::maya::OptionsParserUtility class that parses the file translator options passed through by Maya
 CAL::maya::ProfilerThis class implements a very simple incode profiler. This profiler is NOT thread safe. It is mainly used to get some basic stats on the where the bottlenecks are during a file import/export operation. A simple example of usage:
 CAL::maya::ProfilerSectionPathThis class represents a path made up of ProfilerSectionTag's. It is used so that we can distinguish between identical code sections, accessed from alternative paths, e.g
 CAL::maya::ProfilerSectionTagThis class provides a static hash that should be unique for a line within a specific function
 CAL::usdmaya::cmds::ProxyShapePostLoadProcessWhen importing a new usd stage into an AL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShape, there are a selection of post import processes that need to take place in order to import any custom usd plugins found
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::SchemaNodeRefMapping between a prim path and the transform node under which the prim was imported via a custom plugin translator
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::SchemaNodeRefDBThe proxy shape node needs to store a mapping of all the schema nodes it has brought into the Maya scene. This class holds this mapping
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::SchemaPrimsUtilsUtility class to determine whether a usd transform chain should be created
 CAL::usdmaya::StageCacheMaintains a cache of all active stages within maya
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorAbstractThe base class interface of all translator plugins. The absolute minimum a translator plugin must implement are the following 3 methods:
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorBaseBase class for maya translator usd plugins. The TfType of these plugins has to be derived from the base TfType, TranslatorBase
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorContextThis class provides a context to store mappings between UsdPrims, and the Maya nodes that represent them
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorAbstractThe base class interface of all translator plugins. The absolute minimum a translator plugin must implement are the following 3 methods:
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::ProxyShapeA custom proxy shape node that attaches itself to a USD file, and then renders it. The stage is held internally as a member variable, and it will be composed based on a change to the "filePath" attribute
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::TransformIteratorAn iterator to walk over the transforms within a USD file
 CAL::usdmaya::fileio::translators::TranslatorManufactureForms a registry of all plug-in translator types registered
 CAL::usdmaya::nodes::SchemaNodeRefDB::value_compareComparison utility (for sorting array of pointers to node references based on their path)